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The All India Dravidian Linguistic Association of India is the senior sibling of the group. It is a learned body registered under the Travancore-Cochin Societies Registration Act XII of 1955 (S. No. 59 of 1971). It functions as the co-ordinating body, allocating resources, though each unit is academically independent. Membership is open to all adults, irrespective of nationality. Life Members are entitled to the free supply of the IJDL, and the DLA News without any additional payment. They are also entitled to a concession of about half the listed price on most of the DLA publications, and to concessions in the Registration fees payable for attending meetings, conferences, etc., organized by DLA. They are entitled to use the Library of ISDL, and are automatically members of the ISDL, entitled to access most of the facilities of ISDL, subject to some restrictions, and at the discretion of the Honorary Director. Office bearers are elected for a year at a time at the annual General Body Meeting.

DLA welcomes all adults irrespective of nationality, if they share our Objectives. At present, we have 950 Life Members, of which 59 are Foreign Members. The President of DLA for 2014-15 is Dr. Pabitra Sarkar.

DLA is the co-ordinating body for the entire group. It controls the allocation of the finances. The major feature of its annual program is the All India Conference of Dravidian Linguists, scheduled as a matter of convention in June of every year. The 2013 Conference was held at Chennai.


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