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Library:  Contains more than 30,000 selected books mainly on Linguistics, but also with strong representation of Anthropology, History and Encyclopaedias. It has about 2,000 Journals including back volumes. Compact and well-arranged, it caters to a few but intensive users. It has been equipped with cubicles for designated scholars. Books are procured at the instance of the Faculty or received for review or as complementary copies. Some faculty members and well-wishers have contributed their entire library collections. It has separate section of Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Bengali books. It is a reference centre for Social Sciences & Humanities. Library is digitalized. Internet and Xerox facilities are available.

The then West Bengal Minister visiting Bengal Museum  

ISDL Reference Library

Bengali Museum : A museum of artefacts from Bengal has been set up. The exhibits are artistically arranged with explanatory notes.

Buildings: There are 14 buildings housing various faculties, including the administrative offices, guest rooms and a canteen. The Rabindra Bhavan is three-storied and houses a museum of Bengali artefacts besides a Language Lab and Speech Research Unit. The total area of the premises at Menamkulam is 27 acres. The built-up area is approximately 50,000 sq. feet. The flourishing greenery inside the premises includes acacia, eucalyptus, coconut and cashew trees.  

Tribal Museum : A start has been made to set up a museum of tribal artefacts, especially of the Dravidian Tribes.

The then West Bengal Minister visiting
the Tribal Museum 

Computer Unit: Partly financed by a grant from CIIL, Mysore, there is a Computer Unit with 4 computers, three laptops and two laser printers supported by a 2 kVa UPS. Page-setting and Word-processing work is done in this Unit. 

Computer unit

Speech Lab

  Speech Defective Treatment Unit

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